Signs you’re healing

Healing is not always a linear path; it's a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. It's essential to recognize the signs that indicate you're making progress. If you’ve been on your healing journey and are doing work but still sometimes question whether or not you’re making progress…this blog post is for you.

Given the nature of healing, which happens incrementally, it’s very natural to miss small changes that make up the building blocks of a changed pattern. Many of the folks we support in therapy come in with the expectation that change needs to happen fast and be drastic. If this is you, it’s totally understandable! Here is why: when we live in structures and systems that have conditioned us to believe that we need to move fast, quickly produce, and “fix” things, it’s only natural that we will internalize those beliefs and apply them to our healing journey.

An important reminder is that you deserve to move at your own pace. You deserve to trust your journey of healing. You deserve space and time to change unwanted patterns. It’s the most compassionate approach to helping your nervous system change long-ingrained ways of being.

The path to healing can include many forms, including psychotherapy, community, reading self-help literature, movement practices, spiritual practices, and much more.

As you consider all the patterns you have been thinking about changing and working on, we’ve included some telltale signs below that healing is, in fact, taking place and that you are moving along on your journey.

If you’re in therapy and wondering if you’re making any changes, it’s helpful to have the discussion with your therapist and review your goals coming into the process. Some therapists use scales to assess progress, check in periodically on where you two are in the work, and also reflect some of the changes that you may miss as they’re outside of your experience and have been witnessing/guiding you on your journey.

So what are those signs?

You will notice an increase in self-awareness

One of the first experiences you will notice about healing is that you are beginning to gain more self-awareness. You may be tempted to dismiss this, but this is a very crucial… like SUPER important step to changing behaviors. Here is some science to support it: with increased self-awareness, you may find yourself becoming more attuned to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This heightened self-awareness allows you to identify patterns, triggers, and areas for growth.

Emotions become easier to accept

Healing involves acknowledging your emotions, even the uncomfortable ones. This is what we call emotion regulation. Instead of suppressing or avoiding them, you allow yourself to feel and process them. You recognize that emotions are a natural part of the human experience and that it's okay to not be okay sometimes. You also become more understanding of the messages and information that each emotion carries.

You get better at setting boundaries!

One of the biggest challenges folks have is difficulties setting boundaries with friends, family (check out our guide), and with colleagues. As you heal, you become more adept at setting boundaries that honor your needs and well-being. You learn to say no to things that drain your energy and yes to activities that nourish your soul. Boundaries become an essential tool for protecting your mental and emotional health. This applies to boundaries with people and with yourself!

Letting go of resentments feels easier

Healing often involves releasing resentment and anger towards yourself and others. You understand that holding onto grudges only weighs you down and prevents you from moving forward. Forgiveness, both of yourself and others, becomes a powerful act of self-liberation.

Vulnerability feels less threatening

Healing is not a solitary journey; it's okay to ask for help along the way. We are interdependent beings and love to be in relationships with others. You will find it easier to reach out to friends, family, or professionals who can offer support, guidance, and encouragement. Seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

As you reflect on these signs, remember that healing is a process, and progress may not always be linear. Celebrate the small victories along the way and be gentle with yourself during the challenging moments. You're stronger and more resilient than you realize.

Putting it all together!

Signs that you're healing include increased self-awareness, acceptance of emotions, setting boundaries, letting go of resentment, seeking support, and embracing growth. Celebrate your progress and be gentle with yourself during challenging moments.

Sending you warmth and light ❤️